We often use some vocabulary to express our daily routines in English. So in this lesson, we will look at the daily routine activities in English conversations.
Now you are going to listen to a conversation between two friends, Christine and Ryan. They are talking about their daily routine activities. So, you will learn a lot of vocabulary for the daily routines in English. Remember listening to this lesson many times and repeating the sentences after you listen to them.
After the conversation, I will also ask some questions about it. Try to answer the questions out loud. So, you will improve your English speaking skills. Okay. Are you ready? Let’s get started.
Talking About Daily Routines In English

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We use a common vocabulary for expressing our daily habits. In this video, you are going to listen to a conversation between two friends. They are talking about their daily routine activities. So you are going to learn English vocabulary and improve your listening skills.
You will also practice your English speaking skills with the listen-and-answer method at the end of the video. All you need to do is to answer the easy questions out loud. You can also read the daily routine activities as a text of the video below.
Read English Daily Routine Sentences
Christine: Hey, Ryan! Over here!
Ryan: Oh, there you are, Christine. Sorry, I’m late.
Christine: That’s no problem. What held you up?
Ryan: I’ve just had a busy morning.
C: Oh, really?
R: Yeah. Lately, my mornings have been packed full of things to do. I’m feeling overwhelmed.
C: I’m sorry to hear that. What all do you have to do every morning?
R: Well, usually I sleep in past my alarm because I’m too tired to get up. So, my alarm goes off at 6:00, but I usually hit the snooze for at least an hour. I normally get out of bed after 7:00.
C: Why are you so tired in the morning?
R: It’s my fault. I usually go out with my friends for a drink at about 10:00 at night, and so I get back home after midnight. Then I usually play video games or look at social media until I finally go to bed at 2:00.
C: Oh, that’s not good! You should go to bed sooner.
R: I know! I think I am addicted to my phone.
C: Okay, so how else is your morning so busy?
R: Well, as I said, I usually wake up too late.
C: What else?
R: As soon as I get up, I have to take my dog outside to go potty. Then I usually throw the ball for him so he can exercise. By then it is already 7:30, and I still haven’t eaten breakfast, brushed my teeth, or gotten dressed. And my bus leaves for work at 7:45!
C: That seems a little tight. How far is the bus stop from your home?
R: It’s a five-minute walk if I walk fast, which I always do. I quickly get dressed and brush my teeth, and I usually skip breakfast. Then I run out the door and rush to the bus stop. If all goes well, I arrive at work by 8:45. Then I usually grab a candy bar or a soda before starting work.
Then I work until lunch when I usually go and get some fast food with some friends. At the end of the workday, I rush home to play computer games for a few hours before I order pizza or fast food for dinner. After dinner, I watch TV until around 10:00. Then it’s time to hit the bar and hang out with my friends.
C: It sounds like you could change your schedule around. That would help you be healthier and have more energy.
R: Oh, really? What could I change?
C: Well, you could go to bed earlier. After dinner, consider watching some TV before getting to bed before midnight. Then you will get at least two more hours of sleep.
R: I see. But then when would I see my friends?
C: Yes, you would miss out on seeing your friends at the bar every night. You could consider asking them to meet you after work before you eat dinner. Or perhaps you can only see your friends on the weekend. But when you go to bed earlier at night, you will wake up in the morning feeling refreshed. Then you will have enough time to eat a healthy breakfast before you head out to the bus stop.
R: That is a good idea! I get very tired in the mid-morning. It may be because of the candy and soda I eat when I get to work.
C: Yes, skip the candy and soda. And also consider using your free time in the morning to pack a healthy lunch. Eating fast food every day isn’t just unhealthy. It’s also expensive!
R: Wow, I can’t wait to make these changes in my daily routine! I feel better already.
C: I’m happy to help, Ryan!
R: Tell me, Christine: What does your daily routine look like?
C: I’m so glad you asked. I usually wake up at about 6:00 in the morning. The first thing I do is drink a big glass of water so I start the day off feeling hydrated. After that, I do some sort of exercise for about 30 minutes. I will either run, do yoga, or lift weights.
Following that, I take a shower, get dressed, and put on my makeup. I then usually eat a light breakfast of oatmeal or eggs. By that time, it is usually about 8:00. I quickly pack a salad or sandwich for my lunch, and then I ride my bike to work, which takes about twenty minutes. When I get to work, I like to first catch up on emails.
Then, I check my calendar to see what meetings I have. I work through the morning, and then I sit outside and eat the salad or sandwich I packed for lunch. Then I return to work for the afternoon. Since I usually arrive early, I also leave a little bit early, which helps me to beat the traffic.
On the way home, I often stop by the store to pick up fresh food for dinner. In the evening I sometimes hang out with friends, or I will watch TV or read. I cook dinner and eat at about 7:00, and then I wind down before going to bed at 10:00.
R: Wow, that sounds like a very good day! Are you able to fall asleep so early?
C: Oh, yes. Because I exercise every morning and ride my bicycle to and from work, I’m plenty tired by 10:00 at night.
R: You know, this was really helpful, Christine. I think I may even buy a bicycle and ride to work a few days per week!
C: Great idea, Ryan! Just don’t overdo it. Consider changing your schedule one step at a time so that you don’t get burnt out.
R: I will do that. Say, it has been really nice chatting with you, Christine. I think I will run to the store and pick up some healthy food for dinner. Thank you for meeting with me!
C: Any time, Ryan! Take care.
R: Bye.
C: Bye.
English Listening Lessons For Speaking Practice
English listening is the key to speaking English fluently. So you need to practice English listening and speaking every day for at least 15 minutes. Learn English through stories with our conversation lessons.
You will also learn English vocabulary with the stories. Especially you are going to learn vocabulary for talking about Daily routines in this lesson. If you are interested in these lessons, you might be considered to get our full course on the English Easy Practice page.
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