Now, you are about to discover the importance of English listening. Do you want to speak like a native English speaker? Can you understand English but are unable to talk in it? Do you want to improve your spoken English skills? Then congratulations! You landed in the right place. Here in this video, we will share some valuable tips that you can use to get better and more fluent in the English language.
If you are continuing this video, that means you aren’t a native English speaker. You want to improve your language skills. So, don’t worry, we hold your back. We have got some precious pieces of advice for you; if you act on them, you would indeed be speaking like a pro in no time.
So as our video title manifests. This video is purely based on the importance of listening. Here, We will be sharing some tips with you.
English Listening The Best Way To Learn
One cannot deny The significance of listening to English in the process of learning. Listening holds a key role in learning the language and speaking it fluently.
Listening enables you to speak English fluently and helps you in the pronunciation of the words. It trains your mind to speak whatever came into your thoughts. You just think, and you utter through your mouth. It also improves your self-esteem, and you become better at conveying your thoughts and ideas through wordplay.
One cannot disregard The importance of the English language in the present times. All the big entertainment industry, knowledge, skills are available in the English language. The official work of a large number of countries is done in English. It is the international language that all the executives, government heads, business owners use for the ease of conversation and better understanding each other when meeting with people across the globe.
Learn Through Eyes Vs. Learn Through Ears
In all of our schooling years, we learn by eyes. We master grammar rules, know the correct punctuation, memorize the challenging vocabulary, which even native speakers might lack. But what advantage do all those learning years have if we can still speak the language confidently and fluently. In our schools, while teaching a foreign language, the practicing part is often ignored. They just focus on teaching the language and pay less attention to actual practicing, understanding, and speaking it.
In the whole of our schooling period, we learn English with our eyes. We read from the books through our eyes. Let’s try learning through the ears. Yes, stop learning through the eyes. You have spent enough time learning by looking at the books. Now let focus on our ears.
Gone are the days when only books and the written material were the sources of learning and knowledge.
Difference Between Hearing And Listening
Both words seem the same. But there is a thin line between them that separates the two. Hearing is just the reception of the sound. While listening is actively hearing and understanding what is being said.
If we practice listening effectively, we will see that our communication skills have also improved.
What To Listen To?
Now as we have got a profound idea regarding the importance of listening in the learning process. Now we would see what the sources through which we can learn English more effectively are. Especially those which serve us our need for listening.
The first rule of thumb is that the process of learning English shouldn’t be tiresome. But instead, it should be entertaining that hooks your attention the entire time. That’s why we say watching movies, listening to songs leaves a considerable impact. It eases the learning route and brings in joy and entertainment.
So here is the list that we suggest you start incorporating into our daily routines.
The first one is:
1. Watching English Movies Or TV Series
When we watch the movies, at the start, we don’t understand all the words. That is most probably because of an unfamiliar accent. But we might get an idea about what is being conveyed. Slowly but gradually, our ears become habitual to that accent. Since natives have different accents, so we have difficulty understanding their unique speaking styles. Australians accent differs from the American, and the American accent differs from the British.
But as we start listening, we start understanding their words. And it improves day by day as we practice more and more.
2. Listen To English Songs
If you truly want to master the language and speak like native speakers. It is advised that you should expose your ears more and more to the English language. You don’t pay much attention to the song’s lyrics, even at times, but your mind is being trained and becoming used to the foreign language. It subconsciously keeps absorbing in your mind. And listening to songs also provides you entertainment. You just don’t get bored, and in this way, you spend more and more time listening. You can try this at any time, like driving, walking, jogging, doing dishes, etc.
3. Listen To Audiobooks
Books have massive value in terms of learning. We have read plenty of books our whole life. But just only reading doesn’t polish our listening and communicating skills. So why not shift to the audiobooks? You can hear as well as see the transcript to realize if you understood each word correctly.
4. Consume English News And Podcasts
Adopting these habits of listening to news, podcasts, audiobooks; not only will refine and upgrade your knowledge, but you also get to better your language command along the journey. So listen to the news in the English language. If you want to watch any podcasts of your preferable topic, try to find that in English.
The idea behind this whole thing is to consume English media as much as you can. At first, you would have difficulty in understanding. But gradually you would improve. You, your brain, your ears will become used to the accent and the speaking style.
5. English Easy Practice Stories
And last but not the least, we have a recommendation for you that will aid you in your learning journey. I will provide a link in the description of that English Easy Practice.
Do you want to practise English and you have no one to practise with? Do you wish to self-assess yourself to check on which level you stand? No worries! We hold your back.
There would be a link in the description below. Just click on that link, and it would lead you to the empowering English learning site. Where you would learn and see yourself continuously growing.
We have interested English audio stories designed to improve your listening and speaking skills, and each level is focused on a particular grammar subject. Also, those attention-grabbing stories keep you focused the entire time.
After you finished listening to the mini-story, there would be a questionnaire session about the story. You would be asked questions, and you would be answering them in English. This will help you better your speaking skills.
So what are you waiting for? An enormous learning experience is awaiting you. Hit the link and practice with us.
Tips For Learning English Easily
Some other tips that are extremely necessary are:
- Keep your learning experience pleasurable and joyful. Otherwise, soon you will lose interest and get bored. Eventually, you would stop learning. This is a long process that demands consistency, self-analysis, and motivation from within.
- Start with a positive mindset. Learn optimistically for the sake of earning and understanding.
- Choose diverse materials to learn English. Don’t just only stick to news, or only audiobooks, or only movies. Try all the sources as mentioned earlier. Hop among all to get a change of taste.
- At the initial stages, you just understand the overall meaning. Don’t force yourself and just focus on the bigger picture for some time. Then start looking at the minor details. As time passes by, you start getting to understand all the words.
- And the golden rule is only practice and practice. Listen as much as you can and practice along with it consistently. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. Focus on “steadiness,” not on your pace.
Final Words
That’s all for today’s video. I hope you have learned something; And also got motivation in your learning journey. If so, give this video a thumbs up. Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and also hit that bell icon. So you’ll get notified every time we upload a new video.
Effortless English Lessons For Listening

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Script of the video:
Hi, this is A.J. Hoge, director of Effortless English. Welcome to rule number 3. So, rule number 3 is very simple, so easy. And yet, very very powerful. In fact, I usually say this is the number one suggestion, the number one rule, the most important rule and so easy, and it is this: Learn With Your Ears, Not With Your Eyes.
Okay, if you want to speak excellent English, you have got to learn with your ears; listening, listening, listening and more listening is the key to speaking excellent English. It is the most important thing. Because if you listen a lot, you are gonna learn vocabulary, you will learn grammar. You will get faster and you will understand better. Listening is the kind of magic key to great English speaking.
Research about learning English In Effective Way
There is a lot of research about this. And all show the same thing. Listening is the most important thing you can do. So this tells us one reason you probably have some trouble with your speaking. Why? Because again, when you learn English in school, you probably learned mostly with your eyes. Most English schools, middle schools, high schools, universities, private English schools, most of them focus on textbooks in the classroom.
I am sure, this has been true for you also. So, textbooks, textbooks, textbooks… So, that’s the problem. In school, basically, you learn with your eyes, and basically, in school, you learned to write English. You also learned to think about English. So, you know about a lot of grammar rules. In fact, you know more about grammar rules than most Americans, most Canadians, most British people. Because native speakers don’t study that stuff very much.
Native speakers learn to speak English with their ears, by listening, listening, listening… And that’s what you must do if you want to speak English quickly, easily, automatically, correctly just like a native speaker.
Interesting and easy English Listening
So, let me be a little more specific about listening. Because it is important how you listen and what you listen to. The most important thing is you must listen to easy English. It must be easy. What do I mean by easy? Well, you should understand 95% or more, without stopping, without a dictionary. So that’s quite easy, right? You wanna a lot of easy English listening. Now, you might try children’s programs.
You might try children’s audiobooks. Or maybe audiobooks, you know, teenagers like Americans who are 13, 14, 15 years old. If that’s too difficult, find something easier. You can listen to listening programs for very small children. Now if something is more difficult, you can still use it. But you usually need the text. You need to be able to read it. So, that’s also useful.
You can get an audio article or speech. Or a lesson even. And you have the text so, you can read and listen at the same time. That’s okay also. But listening is the most important thing. Listen, listen, listen… Every chance you have. Get an iPod, get an mp3 player or iPod. Listen to English all the time. Listen in the morning when you get up. Listen when you go to work or when you are at home. Listen when you are at lunch. Listen when you are coming from work. Listen in the evening. Lots and lots and lots of English listening. Lots of easy English listening.
That’s your number one key. Listen to podcasts, listen to my videos. I have a free podcast, listen to that. Listen, listen, listen… Okay? It’s so simple, it’s easy and it’s super powerful. Please do this. Focus on listening, not on textbooks, not on learning with your eyes. Learn with your ears. It is the most powerful. Okay? So, that’s rule number 3. Tomorrow you will get the next e-mail. Effortless English Rule number 4. See you then. Bye, bye.
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